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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between MeSH on Demand and the MeSH Browser?

Is there a limit to the amount text that can be processed by MeSH on Demand?

In what languages can text be submitted to MeSH on Demand? Can I submit an abstract in another language?

Can I add other words to MeSH on Demand’s PubMed Search? How can a “Boolean OR search” be done with my chosen MeSH terms?

Why are certain words in the processed text highlighted?

Why does MeSH on Demand list MeSH vocabulary that are not in the submitted text?

How are the PubMed Related Citations, listed in the results of the MeSH on Demand process, selected?

What is the order of ranking in the list of MeSH terms results, since it is not alphabetical?

Why do I get different results when I use the same MeSH terms and search PubMed directly instead of using MeSH on Demand’s Search PubMed button?