A phenomenon of concern for migrant-sending countries, particularly for small countries where high-skilled emigration rates are highest. include those with sought after technical, professional and other skills. Economic theory suggests a number of possible benefits, in addition to costs, from skilled emigration. (From https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/3878?show=full).
A phenomenon of concern for migrant-sending countries, particularly for small countries where high-skilled emigration rates are highest. include those with sought after technical, professional and other skills. Economic theory suggests a number of possible benefits, in addition to costs, from skilled emigration. (From https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/3878?show=full).
The emigration or immigration of individuals who have received advanced training at home. The net benefits of human capital flight for the receiving country are sometimes referred to as a brain gain whereas the costs for the sending country are sometimes referred to as a brain drain.