Benign proliferation of the ENDOMETRIUM in the UTERUS. Endometrial hyperplasia is classified by its cytology and glandular tissue. There are simple, complex (adenomatous without atypia), and atypical hyperplasia representing also the ascending risk of becoming malignant.
Benign proliferation of the ENDOMETRIUM in the UTERUS. Endometrial hyperplasia is classified by its cytology and glandular tissue. There are simple, complex (adenomatous without atypia), and atypical hyperplasia representing also the ascending risk of becoming malignant.
A benign form of endometrial hyperplasia with increased number of cells with atypia. The atypical cells are large and irregular and have an increased nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio. The risk of progression to endometrial carcinoma rises with the increasing degree of cell atypia.
A benign form of endometrial hyperplasia with increased number of endometrial glands and thickened endometrium. Simple hyperplasia has little risk of progression to endometrial carcinoma.
A benign form of endometrial hyperplasia with crowded endometrial glands and little stroma between the glands. Complex hyperplasia has low risk of progression to endometrial carcinoma.