A group of abnormal hemoglobins in which amino acid substitutions take place in either the alpha or beta chains but near the heme iron. This results in facilitated oxidation of the hemoglobin to yield excess methemoglobin which leads to cyanosis.
Entry Version
Registry Numbers
CAS Type 1 Name
Hemoglobin M
Previous Indexing
Hemoglobins, Abnormal (1966-1976)
Public MeSH Note
91; was see under HEMOGLOBINS, ABNORMAL 1977-90
History Note
91(77); was see under HEMOGLOBINS, ABNORMAL 1977-90
A group of abnormal hemoglobins in which amino acid substitutions take place in either the alpha or beta chains but near the heme iron. This results in facilitated oxidation of the hemoglobin to yield excess methemoglobin which leads to cyanosis.