A hernia caused by weakness of the anterior ABDOMINAL WALL due to midline defects, previous incisions, or increased intra-abdominal pressure. Ventral hernias include UMBILICAL HERNIA, incisional, epigastric, and spigelian hernias.
Entry Term(s)
Ventral Hernia
NLM Classification #
WI 955
Public MeSH Note
80; was VENTRAL HERNIA 1963-79
Online Note
use HERNIA, VENTRAL to search VENTRAL HERNIA 1966-79
A hernia caused by weakness of the anterior ABDOMINAL WALL due to midline defects, previous incisions, or increased intra-abdominal pressure. Ventral hernias include UMBILICAL HERNIA, incisional, epigastric, and spigelian hernias.