A superorder of large, mostly flightless birds, named for their distinctive PALATE morphology. It includes the orders Apterygiformes, Casuriiformes, Dinornithiformes, RHEIFORMES; STRUTHIONIFORMES and Tinamiformes.
Entry Term(s)
Kiwi Bird
Registry Numbers
Related Numbers
Public MeSH Note
2005; for KIWI BIRD see RATITES 2002-2004; for RATITES see RATITES 1999-2004
A superorder of large, mostly flightless birds, named for their distinctive PALATE morphology. It includes the orders Apterygiformes, Casuriiformes, Dinornithiformes, RHEIFORMES; STRUTHIONIFORMES and Tinamiformes.
An obsolete superorder of flightless birds consisting of four orders: the Apterygiformes, which includes Kiwi birds; the Casuariiformes, the RHEIFORMES or Rheas, and the STRUTHIONIFORMES, or ostriches.